Friday, 11 May 2018

Paper bookmarks

Hey, hey, ustvarjalci! If you cannot imagine your life without book and love handmade products, this post on how to make a paper bookmark is for you. Let's get started!
We need: a pice of thin colored paper, a piece of thick colored paper, scissors, ruler, simple pencil, floss thread.

1) Take the piece of thin paper, outline a long rectangle around 4*20 cm with the pencil and ruler, cut it out.

2) Draw a line in the middle and fold it.3) Draw equal diagonal lines as shown on the picture. Cut the paper following the lines.

4) Unfold the paper. Now the most curious part – folding cut part of paper. Pay attention to the order: fold up first cut »triangle«, skip two next, fold up the forth one etc.

5) Cover the folded »triangle« with the one above (third in a row). The pattern is ready.

6) Out of a thicker paper, cut a rectangle equal to the one of thinner paper. Glue them together.

7) Now the tassel. Cut out the square with the edge around 5 cm. Wind it round with a floss thread as shown on the picture. Put some threads under it.

8) Tie the threads together, cut the opposite edge. Tie them with a small thread as shown on the picture. Voi la, tossel is done!

9) Make a hole in the bottom of the bookmark and tie the tossel to the bookmark. You can also make a braid as the photo shows.

Woohoo! It was hard but you managed. Congratulations and enjoy reading!

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