Friday, 11 May 2018

Paper bookmarks

Hey, hey, ustvarjalci! If you cannot imagine your life without book and love handmade products, this post on how to make a paper bookmark is for you. Let's get started!
We need: a pice of thin colored paper, a piece of thick colored paper, scissors, ruler, simple pencil, floss thread.

1) Take the piece of thin paper, outline a long rectangle around 4*20 cm with the pencil and ruler, cut it out.

2) Draw a line in the middle and fold it.3) Draw equal diagonal lines as shown on the picture. Cut the paper following the lines.

4) Unfold the paper. Now the most curious part – folding cut part of paper. Pay attention to the order: fold up first cut »triangle«, skip two next, fold up the forth one etc.

5) Cover the folded »triangle« with the one above (third in a row). The pattern is ready.

6) Out of a thicker paper, cut a rectangle equal to the one of thinner paper. Glue them together.

7) Now the tassel. Cut out the square with the edge around 5 cm. Wind it round with a floss thread as shown on the picture. Put some threads under it.

8) Tie the threads together, cut the opposite edge. Tie them with a small thread as shown on the picture. Voi la, tossel is done!

9) Make a hole in the bottom of the bookmark and tie the tossel to the bookmark. You can also make a braid as the photo shows.

Woohoo! It was hard but you managed. Congratulations and enjoy reading!

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Autumn pop art

It's real winter outside, but now we want to remember such beautiful and golden season as autumn. Actually, the best time for this workshop is October or November, so next year don't forget to create this masterpiece. The artist Andy Warhol inspired the whole world by his pop art works, and we inspired the whole MDC Blok by our picture J

What do we need?
Fallen leaves of different forms from the trees: maples, oaks and others. It is better to pick whole, not damaged leaves;
Canvas of A2 A1 format;
Brushes and acrylic colors, pencil;
Narrow removable tape.

1)Divide your canvas into even equal parts (4, 6, 8…). Outline each of them with a pencil.

2)Cover every line with the tape. The tape will prevent the future picture from mixing of the colors.

3)Paint every square with one color. Colors should be different, for some inspiration, see Andy Warhol’s art of Marilyn Monroe.

4) Cover the back sides of the leaf with the color opposite to the square’s one. For example, the pair of colors could be: yellow and blue, green and red.

5)Put the colored leaf’s side to the surface of the canvas in the middle of the square and press. Put the leaf out. The colored trace of the leaf stays on canvas.

6) Place the leaves in every square. Remove the tape. Autumn pop art is ready!

Creative portraits in mixed technique

To make an amazing portrait of your friends and family or may be beloved yourself is not that difficult as you may imagine. You don’t even need to be an artist, all you need is a printer, a piece of paper and watercolors. In this post we are going to share how we did it during our workshop in MDC Blok!

1) Take a nice portrait picture or choose one. Change the colors into black and white in any program, save and print it on the paper of A4 format.
2) Precisely cut the face of the person out of the background paper.
3) Take a piece of paper that is bigger than the cut out portrait (it’s better to use one for watercolors or another paper with slightly rough surface. Define the space on paper where you want the photo to be and accurately outline it.

4) Put the portrait out, now is the time to work on the background. With a wet clean brush cover the surface with water. Try not to touch the outlined space for the face.
5) Pick your favorite colors and paint the background in free order, mixing them where possible. Don’t follow any strict rules, just use your imagination: paint colorful blurs or something concrete, it is up to you. Remember that after drying the brightness of the colors will be weaker, it will fade a bit – this is how watercolors usually work. So, put more colors in advance. To avoid an ocean on the paper, take extra water with crumpled piece of soft paper. It can make an extra pattern.

6) Let the paper dry and stick the face with a glue. Creative portrait is ready!
Look at our MDC gang! We are awesome, aren’t we?

Thursday, 30 March 2017


Kaj je Kahoot kviz ? Gre za preprosto in super učinkovito motivacijsko orodje za mlade. Uporabimo ga lahko kot popestritev prostočasovnih dejavnosti ali kot sredstvo za utrjevanje šolske snovi, povsem odvisno od področij, ki jih vključimo v vprašanja.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Stop motion movie! A horror story of a pie

Here we are again with stop motion scenes. This time we decided to cook in a creative way. We have impersonated vegetables and chose a genre - horror movie. The movie was shoot by little steps, around 200 pictures. To make stop motion movie more easier and fasten you can use windows movie maker: add all the pictures, change the time speed and put your wished soundtrack. Wuolia! Next time we are willing to film titanic scenes with brownies!

Sewing pillows

Paper folding art - ORIGAMI

Origami is the art of  paper folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture. In modern usage, the word ''origami'' is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices, regardless of their culture of origin. The goal is to transform a flat sheet square of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques. 
The samll number of basic origami folds can be combined in a variety of ways to make intricate designs. The best-known origami model is the Japanese paper crane.
And don't forget to put your origami in the jar :)